A Message From The Boston Club Regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Boston Club • March 11, 2020

At The Boston Club, we have watched, along with all of you, the increased medical concern and media coverage about COVID-19 (Coronavirus). In response to Governor Baker’s declaration of a state of emergency in Massachusetts, we wanted to reach out to you now, to let you know what we are doing in regard to upcoming events as well as ongoing Committee and Affinity Group meetings.

We are closely monitoring official recommendations and are actively communicating with our sponsor hosts and our program organizers to ensure safe programming. Many companies are modifying or restricting access to their facilities, attendance at meetings, and/or travel by their employees. In addition, personal concerns may affect your willingness to participate in Club activities. Here’s what we are doing:

  • In the event a sponsor or host company limits access to a facility where a Boston Club event is scheduled, we will work with them to modify, postpone, or cancel the program. We have a very busy calendar for March and April and will be addressing all the scheduled events in the next few days.
  • If public health officials issue further advisories requiring us to modify, postpone, or cancel any meetings or programs, we will immediately do so, and notify registrants.
  • If you are already registered for an event that will be changed in some way, you will be notified by email of any changes. You may cancel your registration at any time until the day of the event and any registration fee you have paid will be refunded.
  • Any modification, postponement or cancellation of an event will also be added to the event announcement on our website,  www.thebostonclub.com.
  • We are asking all Committee Chairs to make telephone and/or online access available for any scheduled Committee meetings. If you would like to schedule a Committee meeting by Zoom using the Club’s account, please contact the Office at 781-639-8002 or  info@thebostonclub.com.
  • We are encouraging Affinity Groups to consider carefully the venues and formats for their upcoming meetings. If you would like to schedule an Affinity Group meeting by Zoom using the Club’s account, please contact the Office as above.
  • When you do attend an event or meeting, whether for The Boston Club or another organization, we suggest friendly waves rather than handshakes or hugs.
  • If you’re not feeling well or are concerned about in-person attendance, we encourage you to participate virtually as we live stream almost every Club event our Facebook Group page. If you haven’t yet joined our Facebook Group,  click here and ask to join.
  • Please do not attend a Boston Club meeting or event if you are sick, whether or not you have symptoms of COVID-19.  Please seek medical advice promptly from a health care professional. In addition, please do not attend a Boston Club meeting or event if you or any member of your household has traveled to a country on the CDC’s list of Level 3 Travel Health Notice within the last 14 days, or if you or any member of your household has had direct exposure to someone with COVID-19, or you have any reason to believe that you may otherwise have been exposed in the past 14 days. In any of these situations, you may cancel your registration at any time until the day of the event and any registration fee you have paid will be refunded.

To learn more about the best habits to prevent infection, just link to the  CDC website provided here

We will update you if there are any further changes in the coming days or weeks. In the meantime, we wish you all good health – and send you a friendly wave!

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