Coming Together to Cope with COVID-19: Fun for Families

The Boston Club • April 25, 2020

Having children of any age home right now can be challenging–the little ones need constant supervision and the teenagers/young adults need constant feeding. There are way too many suggestions of “educational” things to do with your kids, and on top of the expectations of home-schooling, parents are throwing their hands up  in  protest.

So, we’re going to lighten it up a little and give you some suggestions for fun family activities that maybe–just maybe–will have you enjoying each other’s company again. And for the grandparents & grandfriends amongst us, there are suggestions for you, too! If you have feedback for us, please contact Constance at

For families at home

Play a card game. For the little ones, War or Go Fish, and for the older ones, Poker or Blackjack!

Set up a treasure hunt. This works with both young and older kids. Pick silly/ridiculous things to hide to keep everyone laughing!

Forget eating dinner at the table–why not set up a picnic  in  the living room? Each person is responsible for bringing something to the feast.

Dance party! Ask Alexa to play “dance music” and bust a move  together !

Interview each other! Ask each other questions you’ve always wanted to know the answers to. And then encourage your child to call a family member or adult friend and practice their new interviewing skills on them.

And if you’re  in  one of the towns getting snow tomorrow, divide the family into teams and see who makes the best snow woman!

For grandparents/grandfriends at a distance

We know technology is the quick and easy solution, but have you tried being a penpal with your grandchild/ren? Put a packet of stickers  in  the envelope with your letter and ask that they send you back a piece of art they created!

Cook a meal  together  online! Discuss beforehand what meal you will make. Agree on a designated time to cook  together   in  your separate kitchens and measure, pour, sautee and chat with each other throughout. Join  together  at the end to eat.

Make a video of yourself telling a story about yourself or someone  in  the family that your grandchildren can watch sometime  in  the future. Someday, this will be invaluable to them!

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